Water Vending, We Have Built You a HUGE Competitive Advantage

If you ever dreamed of passive income 24/7, What would you do with extra money flowing in weekly from a business that runs itself? For most people, this is the dream because they don’t really know how to accomplish it. Not many business opportunities can actually deliver on the promise or don't require you to quit your day job and commit many hours. Well, we actually have a business that can, and all you have to do is find a place to put a machine, watch the money flow in.
Well, we actually have a business that can, and all you have to do is find a place to put a machine, watch the money flow in.
You already know about the Caripur H2O advantage. Whole house water purification, real-time water quality monitoring, advanced membrane technology, automated operation, internet of things device for homes and light commercial. Now it is available in a Water Vending Machine.
What kind of money are we talking about here?
We cannot promise any particular amount, we can however show you the average our machines are currently making per month. We are adding more machines daily. Your numbers may vary, depending on location, but you get the idea.
Real-Time Average Monthly Income Per Machine
June 2022
Tell Me About This "Competitive Advantage"

There are no coins or bills to clog the machine. Our systems are cashless, customers simply tap the machine with a card or phone, and the payment is processed and water dispensed
Remote monitoring allows you to identify any potential issues with the machine or upcoming maintenance. See it all from your computer, laptop, phone, or tablet from anywhere in the world.
For water safety - our patent-pending "Binary Star" technology multispectral water analysis is on guard 24/7 monitoring water quality in real-time. It is the only water purifier in the world with this technology.
Not all water is the same - when tap water is simply filtered, you can taste the texture’ of the water in your mouth. With our unique Ion Exchange water softener, the water does not have any flavor at all, making the experience of drinking it more enjoyable. It is the only water purifier in the world with this technology.
Advanced carbon absorption media is used in our machines. This technology is high-flow "Bacteriostatic" carbon block (not granulated carbon) media, capable of even removing bacteria, and found in no other water vending machines in the world.
With our remote monitoring system, you are able to identify any potential issues with the machine from a computer, laptop, or tablet from anywhere in the world! You can see when maintenance is needed, monitor your ice maker, or even dispense a bag of ice to a waiting customer, from anywhere! Our Remote Monitoring allows you to operate multiple machines simultaneously, from anywhere
Our machines are built to ensure you can pretty much install them and forget them as they provide a Safe and thurst quenching Drinking Water experience, not available anywhere else.

How Do I know the Water is Safe
Our machines are built with membrane technology that removes microbals such as bacteria, viruses, and paracites. Our advanced carbond (Block) media removes, pharmacutical, chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals and more. Our UltraViolet (UV) is used no less the 3 different times to ensure that the water on the water is free of orginisims even where the water is dispensed at the nozzel.

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